Blackheads,Treatment of blackheads

 What are blackheads?

Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles, these bumps are called blackheads because the surface looks dark or black. Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually forms on the face. Another way to define blackheads, A blackhead is a little tiny pore filled with dead skin cells and sebum, or the oils on our face.

Now, when the oils and the dead skin cells hit the air, they get what's called oxidized, and they turn black, hence the term blackhead we use. In scientific terms, that's called an open comedo, and that's what makes them different from whiteheads, which are closed comedones, and they don't have that blackish color.

Why do blackheads appear?

Hormonal imbalance causes excess sebum production sebum promotes the accumulation of dead skin cells and impurities thus blocking pores pore blockage results in enlarged pores the exposed sebum oxidizes in the air and turns black resulting in blackheads.

How to get rid of blackheads?

 You could either use the traditional way but that will only remove the surface part and break the blackhead in half or you could use a blackheads cleaner that will suck away all going stuck in the pores or lastly you could use salicylic acid to gradually remove the blackheads. If you are struggling with whiteheads, blackheads, any type of acne, then you have to use non-comedogenic products, and things that aren't gonna irritate, like all the harsh brushes,

and tools like that.

There are some best ways to get rid of blackheads:

  • Blackheads are not from dirt, so use a gentle cleanser, cause if you use something that's actually too harsh, What may happen is you may get more blackheads because your skin becomes dry, and your skin is smart and will produce more oils, so use something that keeps the skin at steady state, something in equilibrium, a very gentle cleanser.

  •  Exfoliating once or twice a week if your skin can handle it, and that's something that your dermatologist can guide you on, with alpha-hydroxy acid, or beta-hydroxy acid, like salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is particularly good at getting into those pores and breaking down those oils that make up the blackhead.

  • Vitamin A derivative, like retinol of some type not, you don't have to be over the top about it, just use a tiny bit, a pea-size amount over the whole face.

How to avoid blackheads?

There are some ways to avoid blackheads by trying these methods regularly:

  • is to try and exfoliate to some regular degree

  • use alpha-hydroxy acids to do that, or beta-hydroxy acid, like salicylic acid

  •  use a Vitamin A derivative, like tretinoin, adapalene, or retinoic acid.


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