Natural remedies,home remedies for eyes

Home remedies

Don't get rid of glasses. Nowadays, wearing glasses is increasing rapidly. It accumulates at an early age and the number of which goes up. Due to the glasses, the natural exercise of the eyes also stops. The appearance of the eye is diminished and the visual impairment is increased.

What are the causes of eyes disorder?

 Causes of eye disorders

  • Unbalanced Diet Stimulating Food,

  •  Use of Foods Too Hot, 

  • Cold Things to Use in Food Eaten,

  •  Uses the Peeled Pulses, and,

  •  Usage of Fast Food Eaten

  •  Late at night From sleep and late in the morning to get up

  •  Take a tea in the morning

  •  To wear high heel shoes 

  • To watch more television 

  •  Lack of the same deficiency in vitamin A

  •  Lack of natural food in the diet.

  • High Blood pressure is also the cause of the weakness of the eye etc.

home remedies

Natural remedies 

  • Most of the food is raw. This is a special treatment for it. It is mostly found in food. Foods enriched with vitamin A, B, C  milk and fruits should be taken. And carrot juice Is very good for treatment. Spanish and carrot juices mix together and are used. This increases the brightness of the eye. In the morning the juices of grapes, cauliflower, and green vegetables are best for the eyes.

  •  For breakfast, take 1 black pepper and all mods and after that drink cold milk or carrot juice. Chewing the almond for almost 10 minutes then inhales.

  •  get up early in the morning.

  •  wash the eyes 50 times with cold water in the morning.

  •  Take a deep breath in the morning open air.

  •  take a walk on the grass barefooted.

  •  Close your eyes and take in the light of the sun in the morning. The span of this exercise increases with the passage of days.

  •  Take a bottle of green color, this bottle in the light of the sun and after one day the water of this bottle is used to wash eyes.

What is the remedy for eyesight?


Massage the feet daily and apply oil on the toes of both feet. Also, clean the tongue and throat while brushing the teeth.


natural remedies

  Nine parts honey, one part lemon juice, just one part onion juice and keep in a bottle. Shake before use in the night and in the morning, one drop in each eye. Do not use it for more than twenty days in the morning. This is the best remedy for the cataract and it is impossible. This remedy does not work for the cataract.

How to relax the eyes?

Relaxing the eyes(palming):

  The armchair, or a sofa or other chair sitting with the back straight. There should be a table in front of you where the elbow can be easily tucked away and covers the eyes directly from the right palm to the right and from the left palm to the left eye. keep your eyes closed. The fingers of both hands on the forehead should be read again from each other.

 There should be no light in the lost light and it should not force too hard to pain the eyes.

While doing this palming, one should think that all the companions of the eye and the veins are getting open.

  Body and mind will be a feeling of deep darkness during the palming. If the eyes are weak and the emphasis on body, heart, and mind will cause a feeling of various colors or light blackness.

 As the eyes become lighter and stronger, they will begin to feel darker.

  However, whenever there is a facility and leisure, it can be done again or again more than once a day. Do not palm during stress, depression, and anger. The palming does not work in these stages of the body.

Exercise of eyes:

  •  Close your eyes. When they put more pressure on it, the eyes close, and more pressure is applied. Then do the same with the other eyes. Eyes closed from your time.

  • Keep the head and neck as straight as you can and look forward. Look then look right then look left and then look at the sky then look at the earth. Clockwise like the hands of the first clock, rotating the eyes round. Then in the direction of anticlockwise rotating the eyes round.

  •  On both sides of the nose, just match the corners of the eyes, then press lightly, and start rotating sidewise, up and down direction.


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