Top 12 Foods for weight gain
Foods for weight gain
For some people gaining weight is as difficult as losing weight for some people. Every person never becomes happy with what they are.
But we have to feel good, happy, satisfied with our physical appearance. Now it's become a psyche that looking good means everything.
In this post, we discuss the food that we have to simply add in our diet for gaining weight or to add muscle.
Here are the foods to gain weight naturally.
- Whole eggs
Eggs are the healthiest food for muscle building nowadays. It's a great combination of proteins and healthy fats.
You should have to eat full egg despite the old and incorrect myths about their links to heart diseases due to the high content of cholesterol in the egg yolks.
Very important nutrients also found in the egg yolks. One good thing more for eggs that there is no need to limits the consumption of it.
To read about the complete proteins nutrients in eggs.
2. Milk
Milk also used as a weight gainer and muscle building by providing a good balance of proteins, carbs, and fats also a rich source of calcium, vitamins, and minerals. It's good for weight gain because it provides the casein and whey proteins.
3. Banana
For a quick, an energy and weight gain banana is a good source and high in potassium, carbohydrates, and other important nutrients that give your body energy.
In banana potassium, carbohydrates and other important nutrients are rich which gives your body energy. Almost 100 calories found in the banana.
4. Dry fruits
Dry fruit has far more calories than fresh fruit. Approximately,3 times more calories in the dry fruits than fresh fruits.80 to 100 calories in the serving cup of the fresh fruits but 350 to 400 calories in the 100 grams of the dry fruits.
Peanuts contain protein, fat, and carbs, it gives almost 425 calories in one cup of peanut.
Almonds contain a large amount of vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus. It provides you 16 grams of protein if you have half a cup of almonds.
5. Avocados
Avocados are fairly calorie-dense and help your body for weight gaining. Just one avocado provides 322 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 17 grams of fiber.
6. Potatoes
potatoes and other starchy foods very low-costly food to add extra calories. It increases the muscle capacity to store glycogen. Glycogen is the predominant fuel for more sports and activities.
7. Beef
Beef contains high-quality protein, vitamin B, minerals, and creatine. It increases the lean mass gained with weight training. It supports muscles to build without providing too many calories.
8. Chicken breast
chicken breast completely packed with the protein with too low fats, almost 3-ounce of chicken contains 26 grams of high quality of proteins, vitamins B, niacin, and B6.
Vitamin B, niacin helps the body in proper functionality during the exercise and physical activities that are necessary for optimal weight gain.
For more knowledge about the chicken breast.
9. Oily Fish
It is also a rich source of healthy fats and nutrients. In salmon and oily fish omega-3 fatty acids are the most significant nutrient.
Omega-3 provides to your body energy that helps the body to fight against the diseases. It is rich in calories about 170-gram fillet of salmon provides 350 calories, 4 grams of omega-3, and 34 grams of proteins for weight gaining.
10. Butter
Butter provides high calories to the body because we get it from milk. It is processed to be preserved for a long time and also adds the calorific to the butter. It gives almost 400 calories per 100 grams of butter.
11. Pasta
It is rich in nutrients because it's either makes with the wheat and semolina that adds fiber also in it, used it in the right way.
When you have it with sauces it gives a healthy fat to the body.It contains almost 300 calories per serving.
12. Cheese
Cheese is the only one that satiates your taste buds, It is high in calories because it's made up with the milk and milk also itself a good for weight gain.
Any kind of exotic cheese for getting a good quality of calories with some fats and cholesterol. Calories are about 300 per serving.
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