

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol id the waxy fat-like substance that's made in the liver and moves throughout the bloodstream. our body needs some cholesterol for the proper work.

 That's a key ingredient for the formation of new cells. As we known excess of everything is bad so too much cholesterol also leads to serious problems like heart diseases and stroke.

 If cholesterol becomes too much in the body it can combine with other substances in the blood and stick to the walls of your arteries. This disease is a plaque that narrows your arteries even blocks them.

Types of cholesterol

There are two main types of cholesterol

LDL(low-density lipoprotein) is also called bad cholesterol because it's built-in the arteries and makes it narrow which leads to heart disease and stroke. Try to lower your LDL level low.L means low and lousy. 

HDL(high-density lipoprotein) is a good kind of cholesterol. It carries the bad stuff from the arteries and give it back to the liver where it is broken down and processed by your body.

That's why you should have to try to higher your HDL.H means higher or healthy.

A third component is known as triglycerides which play a role in your cholesterol health. It is the most common type. It stores the excess fat from your diet. 

Elevated triglycerides with low HDL and high LDL increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Try to lower your triglycerides levels low.

Cholesterol level increases in the body as we get older.


Cholesterol test

There are usually no signs and symptoms of high blood cholesterol. So, to check the range you should have to detect it with a blood test.

If your cholesterol level more than 230 then you should have to see your doctor and seek medications.


If your family members have a problem with cholesterol then you should have to check your cholesterol.

   1. If you are overweight

   2. If you eat a lot of fatty foods 


More exercise helps to lose weight and there is less chance of cholesterol.

    1. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

    2. Take medications to lower your cholesterol level.

How cholesterol affects the heart?

A heart attack happens due to high sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and a lot of stress.

 When cholesterol makes plaque in the arteries and blood vessels that blood vessels may be brain blood vessels or heart.When a plaque in the heart blood vessels so it causes a heart attack or stroke.

You can control your cholesterol level by changing your diet.


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