

Anemia is the condition in which there is a lack of healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the other parts of the body or to tissues.

Your blood does not carry enough oxygen for the rest of the body. 

Iron is a vitamin that mostly founds in red meat and dark green vegetables help in the transportation of oxygen throughout the blood. Your body needs to make hemoglobin for carrying oxygen to other parts.

Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives the red color to the blood. It carries oxygen to the rest of the body. Many people suffer from anemia but they don't know.

Causes of anemia

Anemia is due to the lack of iron in the body which is not enough to make hemoglobin.

 That's why it is more common in people who are vegetarian and vegans. Important for you to boil the dark vegetables to get more iron, so steam food always better for you.


Main causes of anemia are

  1. Blood loss
  2. Lack of red blood cell production
  3. High rates of red blood cells destructions.

There are many conditions that also includes lead anemia.

  1. Heavy periods.
If someone has experience heavy periods constantly can also cause because a lack of red blood cells occurs.

      2. Pregnancy

During pregnancy might be she experience a lack of iron in the body.

      3. Ulcers

      4. Colon polyps or colon cancer

      5. Inherited disorder

      6. Taking a Diet in which there is a lack of vitamins B12, iron, and folic acid.

Inability to absorbs iron when you are taking enough iron and also not losing iron from the body, but you are not using an iron.

 That's might be due to the bowel condition like you have celiac diseases or malabsorption syndromes like inflammatory bowel diseases for example you have Crohn's disease or colitis. 

In fact, if you had gastric bypass surgery and a gastric sleeve for weight loss.

Symptoms of anemia

In anemia, you may have symptoms in the early stages.

That's the symptoms of mild anemia.

  1. You become pale
  2. Feel tired all the time
  3. Feeling coldness

When ou anemia becomes severe anemia might you feel that type of symptoms.

  1. Shortness of breath, you feel like that you can not go upstairs easily.
  2. Chest pain, you feel like that you have heart problems.
  3. Your might have hairs and nails development and also your hairs become thin and fall out.
  4. Due to the deficiency of iron particularly you are craving non-food substances. You feel a strong desire to eat coal, ice, or even sand and gravel.

Tested properly and treatment

We should have our iron tested at some points in our lives but if you feel symptoms that I described earlier. If in your family someone else also has an iron deficiency anemia so you should have to test because it is inherited.

Your doctor will diagnose you with the physical exam and blood tests. Treatment of anemia depends upon the kind of anemia you have.

Effects of anemia on body

Anemia will produce other effects on your body additionally to feeling tired or cold. different signs that you simply may be lacking in iron embrace having brittle or spoon-shaped nails and attainable hair loss. could} realize that your sense of style has changed, otherwise you might experience ringing in your ears.

Differing types of anemia may result in other serious problems. individuals with red blood cell anemia usually have heart and respiratory organ complications.

If you've got anemia that's not treated, it may lead to cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), a megacardia, or heart failure. you're also at a bigger risk of obtaining infections and turning into depression.

you may have detected that iron deficiency is coupled to mastication ice, that will happen. mastication ice may be a sign of pica, a condition that features consumption of things that aren't extremely food, like chalk or dirt. Therefore pica is additionally a symbol of iron deficiency. It's usually seen in youngsters with anemia.

It is necessary for kids to own enough iron and alternative nutrients in their diets to forestall anemia and therefore the connection issues with lack of attention, delayed development of motor skills, and problems with learning. In older children, you would like to pay additional attention to signs of anemia throughout growth spurts and emission cycles.

Stay Healthy Stay Happy.


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