

What is a migraine?

Migraine affects one side of the brain and causing throbbing or pulsing pain. Headache occurs along with patient also experience increased sensitivity to light, noise, and smells, and also have nausea and vomiting. 

And it happens anywhere between an hour to a few days with the symptoms easing after rest in a dark or in a quiet room.

Migraine is the type of a common headache. Almost 15% of people around the world are affected by bt migraines. It is more common in women than men and mostly starts early in adulthood but cal also occurs at any age, in childhood also.

Types of migraine

There are several types of migraine and every type have different symptoms.
  • Migraine without aura
  • migraine with aura
  • Chronic Migraine
  • Silent migraine
  • Menstrual Migraine
  • Hemiplegic Migraine
  • Vestibular Migraine
  • Abdominal Migraine


Symptoms occur in different stages although in some cases patients never experience all the stages.
Stages of migraine
  • Prodrome 
  • Aura
  • Headache
  • Recovery


In the 1st stage, you experience changes a day or two days before the headache which is craving, yawning, mood changes, tiredness.
In the next stage, people experience auras that include temporary changes to vision, odd sensations, which occur before or during headache.

Then a stage comes when you have too much headache.
The last stage is the recovery stage patient feels tiredness, mood changes.

Causes of migraine

Causes are not yet understood or well known though we think it has something to do with blood vessels, nerves, and the chemicals in the brain.

Gene might have a role since migraines can run in families. Some people who suffer from migraines certain triggers can lead to episodes to occur which includes stress and exertion, lack of sleep, particular foods and drinks, skipping meals, weather changes, hormonal changes, noise, smell and an environment with bright lights also these triggers vary from person to person.

There are many causes of headaches not always migraine cause of the headache and some are serious then you should have to see a doctor get a diagnosis.

 There is no special test to check that patients suffer from migraines or not doctor will ask you about the symptoms.

For making diagnosis easy you should have to make a headache diary by noting down the date, time, and duration of headache or other symptoms that you notice in yourself.


After knowing that we have a migraine second step is how we can treat it. 
When migraines occur then you should have to sleep or lying quietly in the dark and a quiet room can 

help you in this situation along with a pain relief medication or use medicine that doctor suggests called triptans which act on the chemicals and the blood vessels of the brain. Anti sickness also uses if you have a problem of nausea and vomiting along with migraines headache.

When all these medications are not enough to treat migraines episodes there is other preventative medications that doctors used to reduce or to overcome the episodes of migraines and although these may not always work.

You should have to avoid the triggers that bring migraines, for this, you can make a headache diary to identify what triggers you have to avoid also you can manage a healthy lifestyle, regular sleep, exercise, regular meals and helps in limiting the caffeine and alcohol consumptions.

Life of the migraine patient

Migraine can disturb normal daily activities, everyday work, impact on office work, family, and social life.
But the number of strategies are available so talk to your doctor. Patient support groups are available so you can talk to others who are going through a similar situation.

Many people with migraines known with the passage of time what works for them.


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