Metastasis cancer


Every second man and every third woman diagnosed with cancer. Cancer cells are the cells that lost the ability to follow the normal control that body exerts on all cells of the body. We have billions of cells with different functionality.

It's a complicated process under incredibly phenomenal control if something goes wrong and that control is lost that particular cells escape the normal control mechanisms. That start continues to grow and spreads. We call it cancer cells.

Many such types of cells are called a tumour. It's a malignant tumour because it not only invades into adjacent organs but unfortunately, it also starts to spread into other tissues which cause death.
These cells are everywhere so cancer can occur anywhere in the body.

In women, most common cancer is breast cancer and in males prostrate cancer. Lung and colon cancer are common cancer in both male and female.

We should have to understand it that cancer occurs in every individual is different from another like individuals are different. 

Metastasis means spreading of cancer from one part of the body to other parts. When cancer starts spreading it disturb the functionality and performance of other organs which is life-threatening for the patient.

Let's talk about prostrate cancer that is a small organ in males.
  • Firstly cancer cells fill that organ then it breaks the natural barrier or outer membrane of that organ and enters into the tissues.
  • Seconde way it makes a lymphoid round the prostrate. Surgeons remove that lymphoid also with the prostrate.
Devastated prostate metastasis infected bone first that is the frequent site of spreading, liver, lungs and occasionally brain. That is life-threatening when it aggressively starts spreading.

After spreading to these organs, cancer has invaded blood vessels that have access to a circulation of blood and it spreads throughout the body.
Here are the percentage of occurrence of cancer in the various parts of the body.



Causes of cancer

Many people think that after cancer that I wish I had not smoked. Some think that they eat correct and exercise correctly accept all of that why cancer happened.

So the main reason for cancer is a mutation.
And a question arose at that point what causes mutation?
Three factors are responsible for mutation.

  • Random error occurs in DNA every time at the time of cell divides and copy it's DNA to make new two cells. This process happened millions of time. These errors usually not harmful.

It's harmful when these cells affect an important gene. Two-third of the mutations that cause cancer pass from this process.
  • The second factor is the environment. People add to numbers of mutation in their bodies by their behaviour like smoking and sunbathing.

  • The third mutation can also be inherited, people born with the mutation that make them more chances to get cancer.
The mutation occurs but due to certain behaviour causes an extra mutation in DNA.
The inherited factor can cause more mutations in DNA.

For example in pancreatic cancer about three-quarters of the mutations that cause pancreatic cancer due to the error occurs during division of the normal pancreatic cell.

  1. 75% pancreatic cancer due to the error that occurred during division.
  2. 20% pancreatic cancer mutation due to the environmental factors.
  3. Just 5% mutation causes due to the inherited.

Everyone should have to avoid those behaviours that cause mutations which cause cancer.
But many peoples developed cancer but their behaviours are too good.

 Such kind of people should not feel guilty about having or getting a disease. That is due to some cancers are inevitable.

What we have to do?

 They are many things that are relevant like The stage of cancer? Where is cancer? What type of cancer it is? How much cancer is present? has it spread or not? Is it in lymph nodes?
 Has it spread to other parts of the body?

 Treatment of cancer is very difficult. The reason is that this is the constellation of over two hundred different diseases, which have the same characteristics but different from each other.
 cancer is also not homogenous itself it hse a two, three, five or six slightly variations in the cancer cells.

 Do many people think why their cancer does not go away? It removed or shrunk almost seventy per cent and what's problem or wrong for remaining thirty per cent?
 That is due to the subtype of cancer which requires a different kind of treatment.

 Mostly use three therapies for cancer that is 
 Surgery works directly to remove cancer or tumour from the body.
 In radiation therapy x-rays provide to kills the individual cells.

 In this therapy provides chemicals that can kill those individual cells.
 With its benefits they a side effects.
 The robust integrative oncology program.

 Integrative oncology taking those conventional oncology treatments and integrating those with therapies like acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic, nutrition.

 Blend these together and making a plan for an individual patient.
More researches need to be done for finding an exact treatment for all the kinds of cancer.


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