Breast cancer

Breast cancer

Breast cancer affects one woman in the eight women in their life. Breast cancer kills more women in the united states mostly than any other type of cancer. It's the rate of death is less than the rate of mortality with lung cancer.

Breast cancer can occur at any part of breasts more chance of cancer development in the ducts and lobules.

There are many times of breast cancers.

Ductal breast cancer starts in the cells that line the milk ducts.
Lobules breast cancer starts in the cells that line to the lobules.

Like cancer on other organs of bodies spreads to other organs, breast cancer also spreads to other parts of the body or also to other organs of the body.

It is either be called invasive or invasive cancer.
Non-Invasive blood cancer is breast cancer that usually does not spread. your doctor is called this ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS for short and it stays in the ducts and lobules of the breast.

Breast cancer

Sometimes when a biopsy shows DCIS other types of breast cancer found at the time of surgery.
Invasive breast cancer more common and it spreads to other parts of breast lymph and other body parts.
Mostly invasive cancer is invasive ductal cancer about 8 out of 10 and on the side, only one out of the ten is lobular cancer.

Inflammatory breast cancer the rarest form of breast cancer.
risks and cause of breast cancer
There is no actual and confirm causes of breast cancer but there are some risks that considered increase the chances of breast cancer.

Risks that can not be controlled or changed.

  • Chance of getting cancer increase as a woman gets older.

  • Genes are also a risk factor for breast cancer. There are two genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 that greatly increase the chances of cancer. If your family member diagnoses with breast cancer or with ovarian cancer then you should have to test yourself. There are 5 women out of ten who have breast cancer due to genetic predisposition. Inheriting a breast cancer gene increases the risk more.

  • If a girl periods start before 12 years or going through menopause after the age of 55.
These risks are the one which no one can control by following any type of precautions.

Other factors that we can control and can reduce these risks.

  • Being overweight
  • Using hormonal replacement methods (menopausal hormone therapy)

  • Taking birth control pills. Many women use control pills without knowing the side effects of it.
  • Drinking too much alcohol. That thing is too common in the united states.

  • Having children after the age of 35 or having no children and due to heavy or dense breasts.

Symptoms of breast cancer

If you notice these signs then you should have to see your doctor.
  • Dimpling
  • Bumps in the armpits
  • Redness 
  • Warm to touch
  • Lump in the breast
  • Change in the symmetry and shape of the breast.
  • Discharge of some secretion from the nipple.
Some changes are due to the other infections so you should have to tell your doctor if you notice any change in the skin.


Self-examination and mammography can help to find cancer early when it is treatable.MOstly cancer is picked up on mammograms before symptoms show. 

Treatment methods include radiation method(in which treatment is done by radiations), lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy(treatment with the help of chemicals), and hormone therapy.

Men can also be affected by breast cancer but that type of case is too small.

Precautions to reduce the risk of breast cancer

Some tips you should have to follow in your daily routine to save yourself from such type of deadly disease.
  • Exercise
Studies prove that the women who exercise 21/2 hours in a week reduce risks of breast cancer over 30 percent. You walk 30  minutes 5 days a week is a good start.
  • Reduce weight
If you have a body mass index more than 25 after menopause then you should have to lose atleast 5 to 10 percent excess weight otherwise you are at high risk.
  • Healthy diet
Try to maintain a healthy diet that must include 5 fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fiber in a day. Try to limits your intake of red meat.
  • Alcohol
Try not to drink alcohol because 3 drinks of alcohol in a week can increase 15 percent risks of breast cancer and dn't smoke if u smoke then make a plan to quit it.
  • Mammogram
Get your mammograms regularly. However, it cannot reduce the risks but it can catch it early when it is at curable state.


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