
Migraine What is a migraine? Migraine affects one side of the brain and causing throbbing or pulsing pain. Headache occurs along with patient also experience increased sensitivity to light, noise, and smells, and also have nausea and vomiting. And it happens anywhere between an hour to a few days with the symptoms easing after rest in a dark or in a quiet room. Migraine is the type of a common headache. Almost 15% of people around the world are affected by bt migraines. It is more common in women than men and mostly starts early in adulthood but cal also occurs at any age, in childhood also. Types of migraine There are several types of migraine and every type have different symptoms. Migraine without aura migraine with aura Chronic Migraine Silent migraine Menstrual Migraine Hemiplegic Migraine Vestibular Migraine Abdominal Migraine Symptoms Symptoms occur in different stages although in some cases patients never experience all the stages. Stages of migraine Prodrome Aura He...