Low blood pressure also a serious problem as low blood pressure.Hypotension as readings lower than 90 mm Hg systolic or 60 mm Hg diastolic. If your bp reading is also between that reading means you have a problem of low blood pressure otherwise your blood is normal.

Low bp patients can be in danger when it could become an emergency.
Some people have a problem with low bp, others may experience a sudden drop in blood pressure or maybe due to some health problems.

Your blood pressure becomes low when your organs are not getting the proper amount of blood and oxygen.
Most forms of low blood pressure due to the body can't bring back the blood pressure to normal or can't do it fastly enough.

low blood pressure

Mostly low blood pressures a medical concern it appears some symptoms or causes severe diseases like a heart attack. People who have always low blood pressure have chronic asymptomatic hypotension never need any treatment or have no signs and symptoms.

If Your blood pressure suddenly drops then you might have symptoms from mild to severe.
When your blood pressure becomes too low it cause several symptoms.


The following are the symptoms of low blood pressure.

        1.  The most common symptom is dizziness or lightheadedness you get to feel like you are gonna fall or you feel like you are in woozy.

        2. When your blood pressure becomes low suddenly then your brain fails to get enough blood,                    sometimes just a drop of 20 millimeters of mercury from 110 down to 90 can cause fainting due to the insufficient flow of blood to the brain. Low blood pressure can also cause to you lose consciousness temporarily.

        3. Blurred vision also another symptom of low bp.

        4. Chronic low blood pressure diminishes attention and memory nausea.

        5. You may get a feeling of discomfort uneasiness or the urge to vomit.

        6. Rapid breathing is another symptom of low bp.your breaths becomes more shallow in the number of breaths per minute increases then the heart tries to compensate for the lack of blood by beating faster.

        7. Feeling tired and not wanting to do anything physically.

        8. Pale skin is another sign of high blood pressure. your skin feels wet, clammy, and loses its natural color.

        9. Feeling cold

        10. Too much sweating.

        11. You feel like you are going to faint. If you have hypotension you should in the position like your legs above the level of your heart, after that your symptoms do not go then seek medical care.

         12. The person began to breathe very quickly. The pulse becomes weak but rapid.

         13. If extreme relaxation of blood vessels causes a shock then a person feels warm and flushed first. After few time skin become pale and the person feels very sleepy.

Types of low Blood pressure

There are three main types of low blood pressure which are following.
  • Orthostatic hypotension

It happens when you stand up from sitting or lying down position. You may feel dizziness, Light headed or sometimes maybe faint it's due to the body cannot able to adjust the blood pressure and blood flow very fast for the change of the position of the body. 

It lasts up just for a few seconds or for some minutes. That might be the symptom of another medical condition.

  • Neutral medicated hypotension

In this situation, you feel dizziness, faint or sick to the stomach when for a long time you stand also happens as the result of unpleasant situations, scary situations, or upsetting.

 It affects mostly children or adults than the people who are aged.

  • Severe Hypotension Linked to shock
This is another kind of low blood pressure in which people got shocked which is a life-threatening condition in which blood pressure becomes too low so that the brain, kidney, and other vital organs never get enough blood and stop their working. Shocks cause due to the

  1. Certain severe infections
  2. Major blood loss
  3. Poisoning

Shocks can become more fatal if it's not treated at the right time.  
Causes of low blood pressure

  1. Dehydration loss of more water then intakes percentage.         
  2. Pregnancy in which blood pressure comes to normal after birth.
  3. When a person gets aged the ability to manage the blood changes as well as a younger done.
  4. Anemia, central nervous system disorder, low blood pressure, low sugar, heart conditions like heart attack, heart failure, or severe infections.

  Causes of shocks

  1. Pulmonary embolism or an irregular heartbeat. 
  2. Severe loss of blood and fluids from the body.
  3. A severe head injury
  4. Liver failure, poisoning.

Stay Safe Stay Happy.


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