how to control high blood pressure

how to control high blood pressure

control high blood pressure

Many people take pills to control high blood pressure. following things when we follow it, we can control our high blood pressure.

lose weight and note your waistline

blood pressure increases by the increase of weight. overweight led to difficulty in breathing when you are sleeping that further increases your can low your blood pressure by losing weight.

you can reduce your blood pressure about 1 millimeter of mercury(mmHg) with each kilogram loss of weight .you can note your waistline to know you have the risk of high blood pressure yes or not
  • men are at risk if they have a waist greater than 40 inches
  • women are at risk if they have a waist greater than 35 inches.

regular exercise

regular physical workout about 150 minutes in a week or 30 minutes daily reduce 5 to 8 mmHg blood pressure. you must be consistent in exercise because if you stop doing exercise again your blood pressure increase.

simple aerobic exercise you can try to reduce blood pressure includes walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing.

Eat a healthy diet

eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low dairy products can reduce your blood pressure up to 11mmHg

Stop alcohol drinking

alcohol can be good or bad as well for your health.drink alcohol in moderation. suitable limit one drink for women and two drinks for men in a day. one drink equals 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or

 1.2 ounces of 80-proof liquor. drinking above the moderation level alcohol can raise blood pressure and reduce the effect of medications.

Quit smoking

one cigarette you smoke can increase your blood pressure for several minutes after you finished it.quitting smoking can reduce the chances of heart attack and reduce blood pressure.

you may also live long after quitting smoking.

Reduce caffeine consumption

caffeine can increase your blood pressure up to 10mmHg in the person who rarely has it. people who drink coffee regularly may experience a little bit effect of can check your blood pressure after intake of caffeine beverages, 

if it is increasing by 5 to 10 mmHg it means your blood is sensitive to caffeine.

Reduce your stress

chronic stress may contribute to high blood pressure. occasional stress also increases your blood pressure. the things that cause you to feel stressed.might be work, family, finances illness.

Try to eliminate the things that cause you to stress and reduce your stress also your blood pressure.


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