weight loss excercise

Weight loss

An effective way to  weight loss

Weight gain is a big problem, in health problems, there are many methods of

weight loss but I like to tell you about the effective and easy

method for you.

This is a Japanese method to remove fat from the belly and especially give

shape the posture of your body.

Due to our sedentary lifestyle, many people have a problem with obesity, but

now that's not a big problem.

Because Japanese doctor names keshiki fuku suji introduce a unique and

simple method to get the body in shape. This method improves your posture

and helps to get rid of belly fat almost within 30 days.

Take a towel and tightly roll it to make 40 centimeters in length or 15 inches in width.

Put it on the horizontal surface under your waist exactly under your navel.

Then increase your legs distance and bring the feet together, in this way the toes of

your thumbs touch and your heels should be 20 to 25

centimeters apart. Straighten your arms by the head turn your palms down and

touch your pinky or little finger.



Hold this position for at least 5 to 7 minutes.

By doing this exercise daily you will notice a difference in your body within 10 days.

The method is very simple hope you people find effectiveness in your body and

look eye-catchy.

How to weight loss by simple physical activity

Weight-loss one minute exercise

There is a very simple and easy exercise to lose body fat.

Mickey Japanese guy introduces it as an effective method to train the heart

muscles by breathing.

It's very easy if you continue to do it precisely, it becomes intense for the body

and you get a sexy body very soon.

Your body will be straight from backward otherwise you will get back pain, inhale

for three seconds and suddenly exhale for seven seconds.

You inhale and hold out the stomach and hold in a game when you exhale.

Exhaling must use all the body muscles.

And scream with a little sound. That's a key point to train your muscles.

continue this exercise three times a day.

You will notice a big difference in your body shape within one month.

Continue it as your regular exercise.


Weight loss through fasting

Intermitting Fasting

A most powerful natural process for a healthy life by losing extra fats.That method used by all cultures all over the world.

We are talking about fasting. Fasting is not the same as starvation. Many people have fast for spiritual reasons but you can do it for a healthy purpose also.

Our food should be our medicine, our medicine should be our food.

Intermittent fasting means not an eating diet plan but it's an eating pattern.

Simple and easy fasting routine.

You would fast for 12 hours of the day and then for twelve-hour you can eat something healthy to accomplish your hunger. Try not to eat fast food.

During that fast time, your body fats will start burning to give your body energy.

The first day you will feel weak internally because your energy becomes very low, then your fats burn to make energy.

During the intermitting fasting period, you can drink water and liquids.

After someday, you can increase your fasting period slowly up to 16 to 18 hours.

The easy way for fasting you skip dinner, not breakfast and lunch.

By skipping your dinner your time period of fasting easily pass because you sleep for eight hours during that period.

At night metabolism rate also become slow so if you eat dinner then it never digest properly and your body will make fat.

  1. Try to skip your dinner not breakfast.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol and doing smoking at that time.
  3. After doing intermitting fasting for 15 days you will notice a big difference in your body.
  4. You can do it until you again regain your desired weight. 

Weight loss through fastening your metabolism

The number one cause of weight gaining is a slow metabolism. Due to the following reasons slow metabolism happened:
  •  Naturally 
  • Weight gaining diet 
  •  No physical activities
If the metabolism of the body is fast then the body never gains fat too much and also helps in the fat-burning process. The person who has good looking and sexy body, it is mean his body has a fast metabolism that helps his body to burn extra fast. In this way, the body does not get extra fat and weight gaining is not happen.

There is a question how boosts up metabolism? First of all, think about why the body getting fat and weight gain to happen. It happens due to natural, diet, and no physical activities. The reverse is also right for burning the fat of the body.

If the body gains weight then we should that boost up our metabolism. The following are the methods by which help to boost up the metabolism of the body.

  • Eating proteins.
  • Drinking warm water.
  • Heavy workout.
  • Heavy weight lifting up.
  • Drinking coffee.
  • Have a good sleep.
  • Eat spicy foods.
  • Drink green tea.
  • Taking low-fat oil.


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